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  1. Die mikroskopische Verteilung von Schwermetallen auf Elsternfedern (Pica pica L.) aus der Umgebung von Hamburg wird untersucht. Mit der Protonenmikrosonde werden die Federteile abgetaster, wobei Verunreinigungen ...

    Authors: M. Niecke, Stephanie Ambor, O. Kühnast and H. Ellenberg
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 1990 2:BF03039389
  2. As the longest river in Asia, the Yangtze River flows through the most industrialized cities in China and provides critical ecological services for agriculture, industry, and transportation. Polychlorinated bi...

    Authors: Xiaoai Cui, Jing Dong, Zhifeng Huang, Chengyou Liu, Xiaocui Qiao, Xing Wang, Xingru Zhao, Binghui Zheng and Jinshan Shen
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2020 32:29
  3. The Rhine-Neckar region is one of the most urbanised areas along the Rhine River and the world's largest industrial site, BASF SE, is located here at Ludwigshafen am Rhein. When the water quality dropped to it...

    Authors: Sascha Pawlowski, Juergen Jatzek, Thomas Brauer, Katja Hempel and Roland Maisch
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2012 24:28
  4. Anthe et al. (Environ Sci Eur 32:147, 2020. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1186/​s12302-020-00424-4) develop a mathematical model to calculate the contribution of veterinary me...

    Authors: Rosemary Perkins, Martin Whitehead and Dave Goulson
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2021 33:88
  5. The project RISKCYCLE (“Risk-based management of chemicals and products in a circular economy at a global scale”) was funded by the European Union Framework Program 7 (“FP7”). It started in 2009 and its aims w...

    Authors: Veit Grundmann, Bernd Bilitewski, Antje Zehm, Rosa Mari Darbra and Damià Barceló
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2013 25:14
  6. Das wesentliche Ziel des UN-Übereinkommens über die biologische Vielfalt besteht in der Erhaltung der Biodiversität auf der Erde. Da biologische Vielfalt als Ressource — als Nahrungsmittel, Grundstoff für die ...

    Authors: Birgit Georgi
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 2016 16:9033
  7. The flood event in July 2021 in the uplands of the Eifel-Ardennes mountains in Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands and their foreland was caused by heavy rainfall and resulted in one of the largest flood disa...

    Authors: Frank Lehmkuhl, Holger Schüttrumpf, Jan Schwarzbauer, Catrina Brüll, Michael Dietze, Peter Letmathe, Carolin Völker and Henner Hollert
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2022 34:107
  8. We outline important underlying reasons that fuel the decades-long controversy over adverse effects of Bt toxins expressed in genetically modified plants on beneficial, nontarget organisms. Inconsistent evalua...

    Authors: Angelika Hilbeck, Matthias Meier and Miluse Trtikova
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2012 24:9
  9. This article reports on the 3rd Young Environmental Scientists Meeting that was hosted from 11 to 13 February 2013 by the Institute of Environmental Sciences at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. T...

    Authors: Jochen P Zubrod, Dragan M Jevtić, Aupaki Michael Melato, Dominic Englert, Mirco Weil, Erica K Brockmeier, Tilman Floehr, Varja Knežević, Annika Agatz and Markus Brinkmann
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2013 25:16
  10. This commentary provides an overview and summary of some of the health impacts of extreme climate events. It goes on to suggest some measures to increase the preparedness of the health sector to cope with extr...

    Authors: Walter Leal Filho, M. Balasubramanian, Wendy Purcell and Shlomit Paz
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2022 34:45
  11. Der Beitrag schlägt einevergleichende umwelthygienische Einstufung der wichtigsten derzeit bekannten chlororganischen Umweltkontaminantien vor. Als Kriterien werden Angaben zu Nützlichkeit, ökotoxikologischem Pot...

    Authors: H. H. Dieter
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 1990 2:BF03039400
  12. Das Abbauverhalten von Linearen Alkylbenzolsulfonaten (LAS) im Boden wurde im Labor und im Freiland unter verschiedenen Bedingungen mit einer neu entwickelten Aufreinigungs- und Bestimmungsmethode auf Basis de...

    Authors: J. Pflugmacher
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 1992 4:BF02939265
  13. Das in bodennahen Schichten über photochemische Prozesse erzeugte „anthropogene” Ozon nimmt — wegen der steigenden Emission von Vorläuferverbindungen — in den Sommermonaten im Mittel von Jahr zu Jahr um ungefä...

    Authors: H. M. Wagner
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 1990 2:BF03039399
  14. The initial training network consortium novel tools in effect-directed analysis to support the identification and monitoring of emerging toxicants on a European scale (EDA-EMERGE) was formed in response to the...

    Authors: Werner Brack, Selvan Govender, Tobias Schulze, Martin Krauss, Meng Hu, Melis Muz, Juliane Hollender, Kristin Schirmer, Jennifer Schollee, Anita Hidasi, Jaroslav Slobodnik, Zuzana Rabova, Selim Ait-Aissa, Manoj Sonavane, Mario Carere, Marja Lamoree…
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2013 25:18
  15. Eine VDI-Vorschrift zur Messung polycyclischer aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) und damit auch von Nitro-PAK existiert z. Zt. noch nicht. Für die Probenahme wird in der Regel dieVollstrommethode oder dieVerd...

    Authors: Heidelore Fiedler and W. Mücke
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 1990 2:BF03039402
  16. Das ökologische Wirkungskataster Baden-Württemberg besteht seit 1984. Die Untersuchungen haben das Ziel, Wirkungen von Umweltchemikalien zu erfassen und die damit verbundenen Risiken zu bewerten.Bioindikatoren we...

    Authors: Kurt Kreimes
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 1992 4:BF02939267
  17. Transport, accumulation, and degradation of microplastics (MiPs) in the aquatic environment represent a significant concern to the researchers and policy-makers, due to the detrimental impact on biota and huma...

    Authors: Ionut Procop, Madalina Calmuc, Sebastian Pessenlehner, Cristina Trifu, Alina Cantaragiu Ceoromila, Valentina Andreea Calmuc, Catalin Fetecău, Catalina Iticescu, Viorica Musat and Marcel Liedermann
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2024 36:154
  18. Seasonal variations of stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in river water can be used to indicate hydrological processes and the water cycle in the river basin. This study presents a high-resolution time serie...

    Authors: Chao Li, Ergang Lian, Chengfan Yang, Kai Deng, Peng Qian, Shangbin Xiao, Zhongfang Liu and Shouye Yang
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2020 32:84
  19. Every five years since 1990, the European Heavy Metals in Mosses Survey provided data on atmospheric heavy metal bioaccumulations in mosses throughout Europe at a high spatial resolution. The moss data show th...

    Authors: Winfried Schröder, Marcel Holy, Roland Pesch, Harald Zechmeister, Harry Harmens and Ilia Ilyin
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:19
  20. Cathodic protection by sacrificial anodes composed of aluminum-zinc-indium alloys is often applied to protect offshore support structures of wind turbines from corrosion. Given the considerable growth of renew...

    Authors: Anna Maria Bell, Marcus von der Au, Julia Regnery, Matthias Schmid, Björn Meermann, Georg Reifferscheid, Thomas Ternes and Sebastian Buchinger
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2020 32:157
  21. Globalization of trade and travel has facilitated the spread of non-native species across the earth. A proportion of these species become established and cause serious environmental, economic, and human health...

    Authors: Reuben P Keller, Juergen Geist, Jonathan M Jeschke and Ingolf Kühn
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:23
  22. The drastic change in an ecosystem as a threshold phenomenon caused by abrupt changes in environmental conditions is a focus of current ecological research. However, the study of ecological thresholds has gene...

    Authors: Jingyi Chen, Shuping Wang, Zhenguang Yan, Xin Zhao, Meiping Feng, Jing Wang and Quan Zhou
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2023 35:56
  23. This work studied the performance of UV/PS/TiO2NPs and UV/PI/TiO2NPs as hybrid advanced oxidation processes for degradation of paraquat in aqueous solution, because this very toxic herbicide is used third most wi...

    Authors: Azam Ghavi, Ghadamali Bagherian and Hadi Rezaei-Vahidian
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2021 33:117
  24. The vast occurrence of organic micropollutants in surface waters has raised concerns about drinking water safety and public health. The Tai Hu Basin region in China, a typical developing and populous area, is ...

    Authors: Hanwei Ren, Rikard Tröger, Lutz Ahrens, Karin Wiberg and Daqiang Yin
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2020 32:67
  25. The microbial community structure of sediments in the Bahe River Basin, China was studied using a high-throughput sequencing platform and PCR amplification to investigate the pattern changes in microbial commu...

    Authors: Weiying Feng, Jiayue Gao, Yimei Wei, Danni Liu, Fang Yang, Qiuying Zhang and Yangwei Bai
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2022 34:93
  26. We conducted a comprehensive investigation into the protective roles of boron (B) against trichloroacetic acid (TCA)-induced hepatotoxicity by assessing TCA exposure in vivo and exploring the potential mechani...

    Authors: Chong Wang, Ying Shi, Wen Gu, Chao Wang, Yongjun Xu, Li Li, Lixia Zhang, Shaoping Zhang, Hong Zhi, Hongjie Ruan, Jian Kong, Lian Duan and Song Tang
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2023 35:74
  27. River damming inevitably reshapes water thermal conditions that are important to the general health of river ecosystems. Although a lot of studies have addressed the damming’s thermal impacts, most of them jus...

    Authors: Rui Yang, Shiqiang Wu, Xiufeng Wu, Mariusz Ptak, Xudong Li, Mariusz Sojka, Renata Graf, Jiangyu Dai and Senlin Zhu
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2022 34:3
  28. Semi-enclosed bays are important links in the material cycle and energy flow between terrestrial and marine ecosystems. They are also areas of intense human activities and heavily influenced by such activities...

    Authors: Zhe Wang, Jing Xu, Zhaodong Xu and Xiaoshou Liu
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2024 36:62
  29. The accumulation of trace elements in mosses is used as an indirect measure of atmospheric deposition and an important complement to the techniques used to monitor the Geneva Air Pollution Convention. The aim ...

    Authors: Winfried Schröder, Stefan Nickel, Annekatrin Dreyer and Barbara Völksen
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2024 36:34
  30. Due to their widespread use, sulfonamide antibiotics (SAs) have become ubiquitous environmental contaminants and thus a cause of public concern. However, a complete understanding of the behavior of these pollu...

    Authors: Xuan Wu, Yao Yao, Lianhong Wang, Dashun Zhou, Feifei Sun, Jianqiu Chen, Philippe Francois-Xavier Corvini and Rong Ji
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2022 34:23
  31. The application of hydraulic fracturing during exploration and exploitation of unconventional natural gas reservoirs is currently under intense public discussion. On behalf of the German Federal Environment Ag...

    Authors: Axel Bergmann, Frank-Andreas Weber, H Georg Meiners and Frank Müller
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2014 26:10
  32. The NORMAN Association (https://​www.​norman-network.​com/​) initiated the NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE;

    Authors: Hiba Mohammed Taha, Reza Aalizadeh, Nikiforos Alygizakis, Jean-Philippe Antignac, Hans Peter H. Arp, Richard Bade, Nancy Baker, Lidia Belova, Lubertus Bijlsma, Evan E. Bolton, Werner Brack, Alberto Celma, Wen-Ling Chen, Tiejun Cheng, Parviel Chirsir, Ľuboš Čirka…
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2022 34:104
  33. Applying non-target analysis (NTA) in regulatory environmental monitoring remains challenging—instead of having exploratory questions, regulators usually already have specific questions related to environmenta...

    Authors: Adelene Lai, Randolph R. Singh, Lubomira Kovalova, Oliver Jaeggi, Todor Kondić and Emma L. Schymanski
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2021 33:43
  34. Ausgehend von einer funktionalen Definition der Umwelt werden die Kriterien Persistenz und Abbaubarkeit definiert und erläutert. Es wird gezeigt, daß die Persistenz das zentrale Kriterium bei der Bewertung des...

    Authors: W. Klöpffer
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 1989 1:BF02940431
  35. The significance of water in public health cannot be overemphasized. In Nigeria, many people living along the courses of water bodies still source and drink from the rivers and streams. There is, therefore, th...

    Authors: Adewale Oluwasogo Olalemi and Abiola Stephen Okunade
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2024 36:23
  36. The bioaccumulation of some heavy metals in coaster waters directly affects the ecosystem and human beings. Thus, the objectives of this study are to evaluate the interaction between fish and coastal water and...

    Authors: Raymond L. Njinga, Adebiyi S. Adebayo and Ayodele P. Olufemi
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2023 35:85
  37. Rainfall is crucial for the development and management of water resources. Six hybrid soft computing models, including multilayer perceptron (MLP)–Henry gas solubility optimization (HGSO), MLP–bat algorithm (M...

    Authors: Saad Sh. Sammen, Ozgur Kisi, Mohammad Ehteram, Ahmed El-Shafie, Nadhir Al-Ansari, Mohammad Ali Ghorbani, Shakeel Ahmad Bhat, Ali Najah Ahmed and Shamsuddin Shahid
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2023 35:112
  38. Microplastic pollution has become a serious global environmental threat. The abundance of microplastics in the air is an order of magnitude higher than that in other media, which means that all living animals ...

    Authors: Qiqing Chen, Jiani Gao, Hairui Yu, Hang Su, Yan Yang, Yajuan Cao, Qun Zhang, Yijiu Ren, Henner Hollert, Huahong Shi, Chang Chen and Haipeng Liu
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2022 34:25
  39. Owing to the large amounts of energy, greenhouse gases, and waste that it generates, the construction industry is fundamental to the transition towards a circular economy. Indicators which show the circularity...

    Authors: Philipp Dräger, Peter Letmathe, Linda Reinhart and Florian Robineck
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2022 34:13
  40. The Yangtze Estuary acts as gateways where microplastics transport from freshwater into marine environments, with one of the largest discharge volumes in the world. The occurrence of microplastics in surface w...

    Authors: Yubo Li, Zhibo Lu, Hongyuan Zheng, Juan Wang and Cheng Chen
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2020 32:15
  41. Pharmaceuticals is one of the groups of contaminants of emerging concern that are resistant to decomposition or removal by most of the existing water and wastewater treatment procedures, hence the need to deve...

    Authors: Adewumi Olufemi Oluwole and Olatunde Stephen Olatunji
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2022 34:5
  42. The snowline exhibits significant seasonal shifts upward and downward, reflecting the ever-changing dynamics of the seasons and being influenced by climate variations, which can vary annually. These fluctuatio...

    Authors: Arvind Pandey, Deepanshu Parashar, Sarita Palni, Mriganka Shekhar Sarkar, Arun Pratap Mishra, Ajit Pratap Singh, Romulus Costache, Tuhami Jamil Abdulqadim, Chaitanya Baliram Pande, Abebe Debele Tolche and Mohd Yawar Ali Khan
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2024 36:104
  43. Im Landesumweltamt Brandenburg wurde auf der Grundlage einer für das Jahr 1999 durchgeführten landesspezifischen Verbrauchsmengenerhebung ein Bewertungsansatz für das Gefährdungspotenzial von Arzneimittelrücks...

    Authors: Bernd Hanisch, Bettina Abbas, Werner Kratz and Gerrit Schüürmann
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 2004 16:160400223
  44. This study seeks to answer two questions about the impacts of the 2020 Environmental Protection Agency’s enforcement regulation rollbacks: is this suspension bolstering the economic viability of industries as ...

    Authors: Emily Chang, Kenneth Zhang, Margaret Paczkowski, Sara Kohler and Marco Ribeiro
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2021 33:52
  45. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) accumulate in the organisms due to their hydrophobicity and resistance to xenobiotic metabolism. 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is one of most representative PO...

    Authors: Gideon Lam, Ludmila Juricek, Hiranya Dayal, Anna Karen Carrasco Laserna, Medhi Hichor, Etienne Blanc, Caroline Chauvet, Phillipe Noirez, Xavier Coumoul and Sam Fong Yau Li
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2022 34:57
  46. Exposure to pesticides may cause adaptation not only in agricultural pests and pathogens, but also in non-target organisms. Previous studies mainly searched for adaptations in non-target organisms in pesticide...

    Authors: Anke Schneeweiss, Verena C. Schreiner, Matthias Liess, Nina Röder, Klaus Schwenk and Ralf B. Schäfer
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2023 35:41

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