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  1. Perfluorinated compounds [PFCs] have found a wide use in industrial products and processes and in a vast array of consumer products. PFCs are molecules made up of carbon chains to which fluorine atoms are boun...

    Authors: Thorsten Stahl, Daniela Mattern and Hubertus Brunn
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:38
  2. For many years aluminium was not considered harmful to human health because of its relatively low bioavailability. In 1965, however, animal experiments suggested a possible connection between aluminium and Alz...

    Authors: Thorsten Stahl, Hasan Taschan and Hubertus Brunn
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:37
  3. A continuous task of the working group "Environmental Monitoring" is the development of methods and guidelines for a systematic and long-term analytical control of the chemical burden of environmental compartm...

    Authors: Heinz Rüdel, Dieter Hennecke, Werner Kördel and Klaus Fischer
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:35
  4. In order to thank Prof. Dr. Hans-Toni Ratte on the occasion of his retirement for his outstanding experimental and modelling merits in the field of ecotoxicology and ecology and his personal 65th anniversary o...

    Authors: Theo Brock, John P Giesy, Fred Heimbach, Henner Hollert, Martina Roß-Nickoll, Andreas Schäffer and Klaus Günther Steinhäuser
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:34
  5. The prevailing controversies on the potential environmental risks of genetically modified organisms [GMOs] still fuel ongoing discussions among European Union [EU] member states, risk assessors, applicants and...

    Authors: Marion Dolezel, Marianne Miklau, Angelika Hilbeck, Mathias Otto, Michael Eckerstorfer, Andreas Heissenberger, Beatrix Tappeser and Helmut Gaugitsch
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:33
  6. The 'step-by step' principle was introduced into the European Union legislation on genetically modified organisms as a means to cope with uncertainty about environmental risks from the release of genetically m...

    Authors: Caroline von Kries and Gerd Winter
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:32
  7. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change recognizes carbon (C) fixation in forests as an important contribution for the reduction of atmospheric pollution in terms of greenhouse gases. Spatial...

    Authors: Winfried Schröder and Roland Pesch
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:31
  8. 'Personal Care Products' contain a multitude of substances which introduce certain functions to the product and show a great variability in physicochemical properties. 'Poorly soluble substances', characterise...

    Authors: Stefanie KE Damme, Hans-Toni Ratte, Henner Hollert, Anja Coors, Thomas Knacker, Klaus Rettinger, Christoph Schulte and Andreas Schäffer
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:30
  9. This article reports on the second Young Environmental Scientists Meeting that was hosted from 28 February to 2 March 2011 by the Institute for Environmental Research at RWTH Aachen University, Germany. This e...

    Authors: Markus Brinkmann, Dominic Kaiser, Sabrina Peddinghaus, Matthias Leonhard Berens, Jennifer Bräunig, Nika Galic, Mirco Bundschuh, Jochen P Zubrod, André Dabrunz, Tao Liu, Michael Melato, Claudia Mieiro, Stephanie Sdepanian, Ola Westman, Stefan Kimmel and Thomas-Benjamin Seiler
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:29
  10. European chemicals legislation (registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemical substances (REACH)) requires a broad assessment of chemicals with respect to, inter alia, their health-relevant ...

    Authors: Karin Heine, Ali Taghavi and Fritz Kalberlah
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:27
  11. The purpose of the study is the enhancement of criticality assessments for resources in order to address function specific factors like dissipation, recycling, bio-activity and toxicity. The developed methodol...

    Authors: Andrea Thorenz and Armin Reller
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:26
  12. This report provides a brief review of the fourth joint meeting of the German Language Branch of Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC GLB) and the Working Group "Environmental Chemistry and...

    Authors: Tobias Frische, Adolf Eisenträger, Carola Kussatz, Bettina Rechenberg, Beatrice Schwarz-Schulz and Stefanie Wieck
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:25
  13. In recent years several initiatives addressed the inadequate financial support of pollutant-related environmental research in the Federal Republic of Germany. For an objective analysis about the research fundi...

    Authors: Henner Hollert, Juliane Filser, Roger Häußling, Michaela Hein, Michael Matthies, Jörg Oehlmann, Hans-Toni Ratte, Martina Roß-Nickoll, Andreas Schäffer, Martin Scheringer and Andreas Schiwy
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:24
  14. Globalization of trade and travel has facilitated the spread of non-native species across the earth. A proportion of these species become established and cause serious environmental, economic, and human health...

    Authors: Reuben P Keller, Juergen Geist, Jonathan M Jeschke and Ingolf Kühn
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:23
  15. Part 2 presents measures at the city scale, which are distinguished into object- and area-related means. The former ones include emission reduction, energy gaining and saving, as well as the climate-improving ...

    Authors: Wilhelm Kuttler
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:21
  16. The reply addresses the severe criticism of F. Weller in DIE ERDE 2009, 140: 113-125 dealing with the ecological land classification which was first published in Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 12 (...

    Authors: Winfried Schröder
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:20
  17. Every five years since 1990, the European Heavy Metals in Mosses Survey provided data on atmospheric heavy metal bioaccumulations in mosses throughout Europe at a high spatial resolution. The moss data show th...

    Authors: Winfried Schröder, Marcel Holy, Roland Pesch, Harald Zechmeister, Harry Harmens and Ilia Ilyin
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:19
  18. In order to map exceedances of critical atmospheric deposition loads for nitrogen (N) surface data on the atmospheric deposition of N compounds to terrestrial ecosystems are needed. Across Europe such informat...

    Authors: Winfried Schröder, Marcel Holy, Roland Pesch, Harry Harmens and Hilde Fagerli
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:18
  19. Standard test data are still preferred and recommended for regulatory environmental risk assessments of pharmaceuticals even though data generated by non-standard tests could improve the scientific basis of ri...

    Authors: Marlene Ågerstrand, Magnus Breitholtz and Christina Rudén
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:17
  20. The authors of the DFG booklet "Green Genetic Engineering" respond to the criticism by Taube et al. in Environmental Sciences Europe 2011, 23:1. The broad criticism on current cropping systems in agriculture is r...

    Authors: Inge Broer, Christian Jung, Frank Ordon, Matin Qaim, Barbara Reinhold-Hurek, Uwe Sonnewald and Andreas von Tiedemann
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:16
  21. In Europe, the EU Directive 2001/18/EC lays out the main provisions of environmental risk assessment (ERA) of genetically modified (GM) organisms that are interpreted very differently by different stakeholders...

    Authors: Angelika Hilbeck, Matthias Meier, Jörg Römbke, Stephan Jänsch, Hanka Teichmann and Beatrix Tappeser
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:13
  22. According to the Directive 2001/18/EC, genetically modified plants [GMPs] have to be monitored for unintended ecological impacts during their release. Detrimental effects on the biodiversity of agro-ecosystems...

    Authors: Kathrin Pascher, Dietmar Moser, Stefan Dullinger, Leopold Sachslehner, Patrick Gros, Norbert Sauberer, Andreas Traxler, Georg Grabherr and Thomas Frank
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:12
  23. The objective of this article, which is being published in two parts, is to investigate the effects of global climate change on a conurbation (the Ruhr area) and to discuss local counter-measures.

    Authors: Wilhelm Kuttler
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:11
  24. We reviewed 19 studies of mammals fed with commercialized genetically modified soybean and maize which represent, per trait and plant, more than 80% of all environmental genetically modified organisms (GMOs) c...

    Authors: Gilles-Eric Séralini, Robin Mesnage, Emilie Clair, Steeve Gress, Joël Spiroux de Vendômois and Dominique Cellier
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:10
  25. South Africa has been growing first-generation commercial genetically modified (GM) maize since 1997. Despite a requirement for non-GM food, especially for export, there is no system for coexistence of GM and ...

    Authors: Chris Viljoen and Lukeshni Chetty
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:8
  26. REP-LECOTOX project - INCO-CT-2006-043559-REP-LECOTOX UNSPMF - Reinforcement of research potential of Laboratory for Ecotoxicology (LECOTOX) of University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences funded by EC FP6 (2007...

    Authors: Ivana Teodorović, Sonja Kaišarević, Kristina Pogrmić-Majkić, Ivana Planojević, Svetlana Fa, Vanja Dakić, Jelena Hrubik, Branka Glišić and Radmila Kovačević
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:5
  27. In Germany, apart from the Amflora potato licensed for cultivation since March 2010, Bt-maize MON810 is the only genetically modified organisms (GMO) licensed for commercial cultivation (about 3,000 ha in 2008...

    Authors: Lukas Kleppin, Gunther Schmidt and Winfried Schröder
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:4
  28. In December 2009 the German Research Foundation published the booklet "Grüne Gentechnik" (Genetically modified crops) claiming to give a scientifically well balanced information about GMO's in agriculture. In ...

    Authors: Friedhelm Taube, Michael Krawinkel, Andreas Susenbeth and Werner Theobald
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:1
  29. Hintergrund und ZielIn der modernen Land- und Forstwirtschaft ist die Verwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln (PSM) weit verbreitet. Ihr Einsatz birgt jedoch auch Risiken für die Umwelt, da im Rahmen ihrer bestimmun...

    Authors: Dirk Maletzki, Andreas Hünken, Ines Hübner and Carola Kussatz
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 2010 22:171
  30. Authors: A. Kurtenbach, R. Bierl, B. Eisold, W. Symader, J. Sartor, M. Casper, J. Hansen, L. Hoffmann, A. Weidenhaupt, J.-P. Lickes and P. Schosseler
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 2010 22:169
  31. Schon vor mehr als zehn Jahren wurden unter der Federführung der BfG Handlungsanweisungen für den Umgang mit Baggergut im Geltungsbereich der Wasser- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung erstellt, wobei die zu betrachte...

    Authors: V. Breitung and M. Keller
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 2010 22:160
  32. Die Wasserrahmenrichtlinie (WRRL) verfolgt mit dem Konzept des guten ökologischen Zustands einen Immissionsbewertungsansatz, der die Exposition der Lebensgemeinschaft gegenüber Schadstoffen implizit berücksich...

    Authors: T. Gallé
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 2010 22:166
  33. Die Umwandlung vom ehemaligen Hochofenstandort „Hermannhütte“ in die Gewerbe-, Wohn- und Dienstleistungsparks PHOENIX West und PHOENIX Ost in Dortmund-Hörde ist mit einigen wasserwirtschaftlichen Herausforderu...

    Authors: C. Schöpfer, U. Krath and K. Kowtsch
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 2010 22:163
  34. Feststoffe spielen eine besondere Rolle bei der Bewertung von stofflichen Emissionen aus Kanalsystemen. Dies liegt vor allem daran, dass viele Schadstoffe mit Partikeln assoziiert in den Kanalsystemen transpor...

    Authors: A. Welker
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 2010 22:164
  35. Die Siedlungsentwässerung ist mit hohen Frachtanteilen an der Schadstoffbelastung von Gewässersystemen beteiligt. Ausschlaggebend hierfür sind die über Mischwasserentlastungen und Regenwassereinleitungen einge...

    Authors: S. Fuchs, B. Lambert and D. Grotehusmann
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 2010 22:161
  36. Background In recent years, sediments have become a central topic of scientific and public discussion as an important factor for determining water quality. While the quality of surface waters in Germany has signi...

    Authors: M. Brinkmann, S. Hudjetz, S. Keiter, T.-B. Seiler, J. Wölz, A. V. Hallare, H. Hollert, C. Cofalla, S. Roger, H. Schüttrumpf and S. U. Gerbersdorf
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 2010 22:159

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