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  1. Non-target screening (NTS) including suspect screening with high resolution mass spectrometry has already shown its feasibility in detecting and identifying emerging contaminants, which subsequently triggered ...

    Authors: Juliane Hollender, Bert van Bavel, Valeria Dulio, Eivind Farmen, Klaus Furtmann, Jan Koschorreck, Uwe Kunkel, Martin Krauss, John Munthe, Martin Schlabach, Jaroslav Slobodnik, Gerard Stroomberg, Thomas Ternes, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, Anne Togola and Victoria Tornero
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2019 31:42
  2. This paper reviews the many criticisms of the publication by Seralini et al (2012) which has led to so much controversy, was retracted and then republished in this journal. Seralini et al found that a GM maize...

    Authors: Ulrich E. Loening
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2015 27:13
  3. Hintergrund und Ziel 2007 hat die Bundesregierung eine nationale Strategie zur biologischen Vielfalt verabschiedet. Die Biodiversitätsstrategie fordert die Integration ihrer Qualitäts- und Handlungsziele in ander...

    Authors: Ulrike Doyle and Christiane Heiß
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2009 21:81
  4. Metal and metalloid concentrations in mussels can vary between seasons. In biota monitoring, the sampling time is therefore an important issue. Within the German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) program blue ...

    Authors: Burkhard Knopf, Annette Fliedner, Georg Radermacher, Heinz Rüdel, Martin Paulus, Ulrike Pirntke and Jan Koschorreck
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2020 32:7
  5. Bioaccumulation plays a vital role in understanding the fate of a substance in the environment and is key to the regulation of chemicals in several jurisdictions. The current assessment approaches commonly use...

    Authors: Gabriele Treu, Wiebke Drost, Ulrich Jöhncke, Caren Rauert and Christian Schlechtriem
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2015 27:34
  6. Hintergrund, Ziel und Bereich In die Atmosphäre emittierte Stoffe gelangen durch atmosphärische Deposition zurück auf die Erdoberfläche. Dort wird die Anreicherung von Schwermetalldepositionen seit 1990 alle fünf...

    Authors: Andrea Kaltz, Harry Harmens, Marcel Holy, Roland Pesch, Winfried Schröder and I. Ilyin
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 2010 22:126
  7. Per- and polyfluorinated chemicals (PFC) do not occur naturally in the environment and are, therefore, of anthropogenic origin. As a consequence of their wide range of everyday applications and their extreme p...

    Authors: Karl Theo von der Trenck, Rainer Konietzka, Annegret Biegel-Engler, Jan Brodsky, Andrea Hädicke, Arnold Quadflieg, Rudolf Stockerl and Thorsten Stahl
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2018 30:19
  8. Due to the rising number of type 2 diabetes patients, the antidiabetic drug, metformin is currently among those pharmaceuticals with the highest consumption rates worldwide. Via sewage-treatment plants, metfor...

    Authors: Stefanie Jacob, Andreas Dötsch, Sarah Knoll, Heinz-R. Köhler, Eike Rogall, Dominic Stoll, Selina Tisler, Carolin Huhn, Thomas Schwartz, Christian Zwiener and Rita Triebskorn
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2018 30:48
  9. Risk assessment for GMOs such as Bt maize requires detailed data concerning pollen deposition onto non-target host-plant leaves. A field study of pollen on lepidopteran host-plant leaves was therefore undertaken ...

    Authors: Frieder Hofmann, Maren Kruse-Plass, Ulrike Kuhn, Mathias Otto, Ulrich Schlechtriemen, Boris Schröder, Rudolf Vögel and Werner Wosniok
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2016 28:14
  10. An essential requisite for controlling and monitoring mercury in the environment is to identify its species in different types of soils and sediments, as this will help not only to establish its mobility in th...

    Authors: José Luis R. Gallego, Maria Antonia López-Antón, Deva Martínez de la Rosa, Eduardo Rodríguez-Valdés, Nerea García-González, Elena Rodríguez and Maria Rosa Martínez-Tarazona
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2019 31:79
  11. Ziel und Hintergrund Die Verordnung über die gute fachliche Praxis bei der Erzeugung gentechnisch veränderter Pflanzen (Gentechnik-Pflanzenerzeugungsverordnung (GenTPflEV 2008) sieht aus Vorsorgegründen Abstandsr...

    Authors: F. Hofmann, R. Epp, A. Kalchschmid, L. Kruse, U. Kuhn, B. Maisch, E. Müller, S. Ober, J. Radtke, U. Schlechtriemen, G. Schmidt, W. Schröder, W. v. d. Ohe, R. Vögel, N. Wedl and W. Wosniok
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2008 20:16
  12. Hintergrund, Ziel und Zweck Organozinnverbindungen werden als Biozide, Kunststoffadditive und Katalysatoren eingesetzt. Bezüglich der Umweltrelevanz am wichtigsten sind Tributylzinn- (TBT) und Triphenylzinnverbin...

    Authors: H. Rüdel, J. Steinhanses, J. Müller and C. Schröter-Kermani
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 2009 21:39
  13. Absicht Im Rahmen der Luftreinhaltekonvention werden Moose zur europaweiten Kartierung der Bioakkumulation von Schwermetallen und Stickstoff verwendet. Hierzu werden alle fünf Jahre Moose gesammelt und chemisch a...

    Authors: Winfried Schröder, Roland Pesch, Werner Kratz, Marcel Holy, Harald Zechmeister, Harry Harmens, Hilde Fagerli and Ilia Ilyin
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 2010 22:145
  14. The definition of priority substances (PS) according to the Water Framework Directive (WFD) helped to remove many of these chemicals from the market and to reduce their concentrations in the European water bod...

    Authors: Werner Brack, Beate I. Escher, Erik Müller, Mechthild Schmitt-Jansen, Tobias Schulze, Jaroslav Slobodnik and Henner Hollert
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2018 30:33
  15. Do we measure enough to calculate statistically valid characteristic values from random sample measurements, or do we measure too much—without any further increase in knowledge? This question is actually one o...

    Authors: Werner Wosniok, Stefan Nickel and Winfried Schröder
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2020 32:9
  16. Hintergrund und Ziel In den ersten beiden Beiträgen der Beitragsserie Ökologische Raumgliederung Europas (Hornsmann et al. 2008; Weustermann et al. 2009) wurde die Methodik zur Ableitung der Raumgliederung für Eu...

    Authors: I. Weustermann, R. Pesch, G. Schmidt and W. Schröder
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2009 21:50
  17. Hintergrund, Ziel und Bereich Aus dem Moosmonitoring liegen seit 1990 alle fünf Jahre flächendeckende Inventuren der Schwermetall-Bioakkumulation vor. Die Daten belegen flächendeckend für Deutschland und Europa, ...

    Authors: W. Schröder, R. Pesch, Y. Matter, A. Göritz, L. Genssler and H. Dieffenbach-Fries
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2009 21:87
  18. Agrochemicals, such as pesticides and fertilizers used in the current conventional agriculture (CA), have contaminating effects on environments as well as food, which pose significant risks to non-target organ...

    Authors: Ying Shao, Zhongli Chen, Hongyan Xiao, Zihan Zhu and Bo Li
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2019 31:22
  19. To meet the United Nations (UN) sustainable development goals and the European Union (EU) strategy for a non-toxic environment, water resources and ecosystems management require cost-efficient solutions for p...

    Authors: Werner Brack, Selim Ait-Aissa, Thomas Backhaus, Sebastian Birk, Damià Barceló, Rob Burgess, Ian Cousins, Valeria Dulio, Beate I. Escher, Andreas Focks, Jos van Gils, Antoni Ginebreda, Daniel Hering, L. Mark Hewitt, Klára Hilscherová, Juliane Hollender…
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2019 31:63
  20. Urban river pollution risks to environments and human health are emerging as a serious concern worldwide. With the aim to achieve the health of urban river ecosystem, numerous monitoring programs have been imp...

    Authors: Zhongli Chen, Zihan Zhu, Jiyu Song, Ruiyan Liao, Yufan Wang, Xi Luo, Dongya Nie, Yumeng Lei, Ying Shao and Wei Yang
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2019 31:84
  21. A.I.S.E., the International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products, launched the ‘A.I.S.E. Charter for Sustainable Cleaning’ in Europe in 2005 to promote sustainability in the cleaning and ...

    Authors: Laura Golsteijn, Rimousky Menkveld, Henry King, Christine Schneider, Diederik Schowanek and Sascha Nissen
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2015 27:23
  22. Few suitable and standardized test methods are currently available to test the effects of genetically modified plants (GMP) on non-target organisms. To fill this gap and improve ecotoxicological testing for GM...

    Authors: Stephan Jänsch, Johannes Bauer, David Leube, Mathias Otto, Jörg Römbke, Hanka Teichmann and Karolina Waszak
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2018 30:38
  23. Understanding the abundance of adverse environmental conditions e.g. frost, drought, and heat during critical crop growth stages, which are assumed to be altered by climate change, is crucial for an accurate r...

    Authors: Maximilian Strer, Nikolai Svoboda and Antje Herrmann
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2018 30:10
  24. Hintergrund, Ziel und Themenbereich Um die Auswirkungen des gesellschaftlichen Wandels unter dem Kriterium der Nachhaltigkeit beurteilen zu können werden demographische, soziale und kulturelle Entwicklungen in de...

    Authors: Klaus-Dietrich Sturm and Christoph Ewen
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2008 20:4
  25. Novel brominated flame retardants (NBFRs) have been increasingly used as alternatives to legacy BFRs (e.g., PBDEs and HBCDs) in consumer products, but are liable to emigrate and contaminate indoor dust. In thi...

    Authors: Dong Niu, Yanling Qiu, Xinyu Du, Li Li, Yihui Zhou, Daqiang Yin, Zhifen Lin, Ling Chen, Zhiliang Zhu, Jianfu Zhao and Åke Bergman
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2019 31:6
  26. Background, aim, and scope Basically, technological innovations are associated with benefits and risks. This is also true for the introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMO) into agriculture. In Germany,...

    Authors: F. Hofmann, R. Epp, L. Kruse, A. Kalchschmied, B. Maisch, E. Müller, U. Kuhn, W. Kratz, S. Ober, J. Radtke, U. Schlechtriemen, G. Schmidt, W. Schröder, W. v. d. Ohe, R. Vögel, N. Wedl…
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2010 22:133
  27. A warmer climate has consequences for the timing of phenological events, as temperature is a key factor controlling plant development and flowering. In this study, we analyse the effects of the long-term clima...

    Authors: Nigel Fox and Anna Maria Jönsson
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2019 31:89
  28. Prior to their release in the environment, transgenic crops are examined for their health and environmental safety. In addition, transgene expression needs to be consistent in order to express the introduced t...

    Authors: Vinicius Vilperte, Sarah Zanon Agapito-Tenfen, Odd-Gunnar Wikmark and Rubens Onofre Nodari
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2016 28:29
  29. Die Fauna-Flora-Habitat-Richtlinie (FFH-RL, 92/43/EWG) enthält neben dem Aufbau des Netzes Natura 2000 mit Arten und Lebensraumtypen auch Regeln für den Artenschutz. Dreiviertel aller gemeldeten FFH-Gebiete be...

    Authors: E. Schröder, A. Ssymank, M. Vischer-Leopold and M. Ersfeld
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2008 20:23
  30. Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Veränderungen in der Ausprägung biologischer Merkmale von Organismen werden in der Ökotoxikologie als Biomarker genutzt, um die Exposition von Organismen an toxische Stoffe respektive ...

    Authors: H. Segner
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2009 21:46
  31. Deutschland beteiligte sich an den europäischen Moosmonitoring-Kampagnen 1990, 1995 und 2000. Deren Ziel ist die Kartierung der Metallakkumulation in Moosen als Vergleichswert für die Metalldeposition in terre...

    Authors: Roland Pesch, Winfried Schröder, Helga Dieffenbach-Fries and Lutz Genßler
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2007 20:166
  32. The accumulation of lead (Pb) in sediments from anthropogenic activities possesses serious threats to ecosystem and human health. Recycling of sediments for agricultural plantation is politically encouraged wh...

    Authors: Xinyu Mao, Xiaohou Shao and Zhanyu Zhang
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2019 31:25
  33. The stabilization of fine sediments via biofilms (‘biostabilization’) has various economic and ecological implications but is presently unaddressed within lotic waters. To investigate natural biofilm growth an...

    Authors: Holger Schmidt, Moritz Thom, Kerstin Matthies, Sebastian Behrens, Ursula Obst, Silke Wieprecht and Sabine Ulrike Gerbersdorf
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2015 27:2
  34. Cotton with coevolving pests has been grown in India more than 5000 years. Hybrid cotton was introduced in the 1970s with increases in fertilizer and in insecticide use against pink bollworm that caused outbre...

    Authors: Andrew Paul Gutierrez, Luigi Ponti, Hans R Herren, Johann Baumgärtner and Peter E Kenmore
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2015 27:12
  35. Draft standards for the determination of organic pollutants in the solid matter of environmental matrices such as sludge, treated biowaste and soil have been basically developed in the framework of the Europea...

    Authors: Ute Kalbe, Petra Lehnik-Habrink, Nicole Bandow and Andreas Sauer
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2019 31:29
  36. The European chemicals regulation REACH includes the legal duty for suppliers to inform consumers on request about the presence of substances of very high concern (SVHCs) in articles. Since this requirement ha...

    Authors: Ursula Klaschka
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2017 29:24
  37. The aim of the European Water Framework Directive is to ensure good ecological status for all European surface waters. However, although current monitoring strategies aim to identify the presence and magnitude...

    Authors: Thomas Backhaus, Werner Brack, Paul J. Van den Brink, Björn Deutschmann, Henner Hollert, Leo Posthuma, Helmut Segner, Thomas-Benjamin Seiler, Ivana Teodorovic and Andreas Focks
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2019 31:98
  38. Hintergrund und Ziel Auch in Zukunft wird die Belastung der Wälder Bayerns durch erhöhte bodennahe Ozonkonzentrationen undvermehrte Sommertrockenheit infolge des Klimawandels zunehmen. Für ein solches Szenario we...

    Authors: Manuela Baumgarten, Rainer Matyssek, Christian Huber and Hans-Peter Dietrich
    Citation: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 2010 22:129
  39. Semi-natural plant communities such as field boundaries play an important ecological role in agricultural landscapes, e.g., provision of refuge for plant and other species, food web support or habitat connecti...

    Authors: Jette Reeg, Simon Heine, Christine Mihan, Sean McGee, Thomas G. Preuss and Florian Jeltsch
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2018 30:44
  40. The majority of Swiss amphibians are threatened. There is a range of factors which have been discussed as possible causes for their decline, including plant protection products (PPPs).

    Authors: Annette Aldrich, Marion Junghans, Caroline Aeberli, Carsten A. Brühl, Franz Streissl and Benedikt R. Schmidt
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2016 28:17
  41. Wastewater treatment plants are known as major sources for the release of micropollutants and bacteria into surface waters. To reduce this contaminant and microbial input, new technologies for effluent treatme...

    Authors: Rita Triebskorn, Ludek Blaha, Claudia Gallert, Sabrina Giebner, Harald Hetzenauer, Heinz-R. Köhler, Bertram Kuch, Frauke Lüddeke, Jörg Oehlmann, Katharina Peschke, Frank Sacher, Marco Scheurer, Simon Schwarz, Paul Thellmann, Karl Wurm and Sabrina Wilhelm
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2019 31:85
  42. The numbers of potential neurotoxicants in the environment are raising and pose a great risk for humans and the environment. Currently neurotoxicity assessment is mostly performed to predict and prevent harm t...

    Authors: J. B. Legradi, C. Di Paolo, M. H. S. Kraak, H. G. van der Geest, E. L. Schymanski, A. J. Williams, M. M. L. Dingemans, R. Massei, W. Brack, X. Cousin, M.-L. Begout, R. van der Oost, A. Carion, V. Suarez-Ulloa, F. Silvestre, B. I. Escher…
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2018 30:46
  43. Increasing exposure to engineered inorganic nanoparticles takes actually place in both terrestric and aquatic ecosystems worldwide. Although we already know harmful effects of AgNP on the soil bacterial commun...

    Authors: Anna-Lena Grün, Werner Manz, Yvonne Lydia Kohl, Florian Meier, Susanne Straskraba, Carsten Jost, Roland Drexel and Christoph Emmerling
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2019 31:15
  44. The present work investigates the impact of discharges from a storm water sedimentation basin (SSB) receiving runoff from a connected motorway in southern Germany. The study lasted for almost two years and was...

    Authors: Paul Thellmann, Bertram Kuch, Karl Wurm, Heinz-R. Köhler and Rita Triebskorn
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2017 29:10
  45. Perchlorate contamination of water and food poses potential health risks to humans due to the possible interference of perchlorate with the iodide uptake into the thyroid gland. Perchlorate has been found in f...

    Authors: Maike A. Seiler, Detlef Jensen, Udo Neist, Ursula K. Deister and Franz Schmitz
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2017 29:30
  46. The collection of atmospheric deposition by technical samplers and validated deposition modelling using chemical transport models is spatially complemented by using mosses as bioindicator: since 1990, the Euro...

    Authors: Winfried Schröder and Stefan Nickel
    Citation: Environmental Sciences Europe 2019 31:33

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