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Table 3 Time table of the historic wood, current forest and future potential wood community at the Level II plot

From: Bioindication for Ecosystem Regeneration towards Natural conditions: the BERN data base and BERN model


Site properties at the time

forest community

 < 1920

Sub-oceanic, moderately dry to fresh, nutrient-poor beech wood

Maianthemo-Fagetum sylvatici typicum PASS. 1959


Sub-oceanic, moderately dry to fresh, nutrient-poor pine forest after reforestation

Vaccinio myrtilli-Cultopinetum HOFMANN 2002


sub-continental, dry, nutrient-poor pine forest resulting from acidifying impacts

Deschampsio-Cultopinetum HOFMANN 2002


sub-continental, dry, vigorous nutritious pine forest resulting from eutrophying impacts

Calamagrostio-Cultopinetum HOFMANN 2002

 > 2040

sub-continental, dry, vigorous nutritious wood after natural forest conversion taking climate change into account

Agrostio-Quercetum roboris deschampsietosum PASS. 1953 em. SCHUB. 1995

 > 2070

sub-continental, dry, vigorous nutritious wood under progressive global warming

Cynancho-Quercetum roboris arrhenatheretosum PASSARGE 1957