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Table 1 Effect concentrations to the 10th percentile after 48 h- exposure considering nanoplastic in terms of mass, particle number, or particle surface. Values presented are average and standard error of estimate

From: Potential for high toxicity of polystyrene nanoplastics to the European Daphnia longispina


EC10 Mass-based (mg L−1)

EC10 particle number (count. L−1)

EC10 particle surface (area nm2 L−1)

50 nm

100 nm

50 nm

100 nm

50 nm

100 nm


7.48 ± 10.07a

69.13 ± 164.19b

2.7e15 ± e15a

6.3e15 ± e16b

3.5e11 ± e11a

2.0e11 ± e11b


4.09 ± 1.08c

60.779 ± na c

1.5e15 ± e14c

5.5e15 ± nac

1.9e11 ± e10 c

1.8e11 ± nac


0.0007 ± 0.001c

25.52 ± 25.46c

2.4e11 ± e11c

2.3e15 ± e15c

3.1e7 ± e7c

7.4e10 ± e10c

  1. aNumbers extracted from model with p value = 0.2995
  2. bNumbers extracted from model with p value = 0.0136
  3. cNumbers extracted from model with p value < 0.0001