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Table 1 Analysis of policy documents following the READ approach [17]

From: The essential-use concept: a valuable tool to guide decision-making on applications for authorisation under REACH?

Step 1: Readying the material

Step 2: Extraction of the data

Steps 3: Analysis of the data

Step 4: Distilling the findings

• Title VII of the REACH Regulation (EC No 1907/2006)

• Annex XVI of the REACH Regulation (EC No 1907/2006)

• Legal obligations related to applications for authorisation for companies and the European Commission

• Legal requirements for a company to apply for authorisation;

• Legal requirements for the European Commission to grant (or refuse) an authorisation

• To determine whether the European Commission could grant (or refuse) an authorisation based on the essentiality of the use applied for;

• To determine what information companies are obliged to provide

• ECHA guidance on the preparation of an application for authorisation

• ECHA guidance on the preparation of a socio-economic analysis as part of an application for authorization

• Technical function provided by the substance in the use applied for;

• Necessity of the technical function for health, safety and functioning of society;

• Availability of safer alternatives

• To determine if the information provided in an application for authorisation is sufficient to answer to the three key elements listed by Cousins et al. [20]

• To determine if the information asked for as part of an application for authorisation is sufficient and relevant to conclude on the essentiality of the use applied for