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Table 6 Main methods and expected outcomes of WP5: strategic net environmental benefit analysis (SNEBA)

From: The EU Horizon 2020 project GRACE: integrated oil spill response actions and environmental effects

General experimental procedure

Aims and expected outcome


Development of matrices for data collection to serve as input for a strategic analysis. Gathering of data on biodiversity and oil ecotoxicology and national frames for oil spill sensitivity. Modelling of relevant oil spill scenarios (Disko Bay, northern part of Baltic Sea)

Matrices and decision tree tool approaches to be used in the further development of the EOS tool

Wegeberg et al. [70]

Liungman and Mattsson [71]

Application of logistic tools and operational selection guidance. Defining operational requirements. Designing Risk assessment model based on existing knowledge

General operational requirements for the operational window and resource logistics. Description of the background data on spill risk modelling and the design of the designated spill risk assessment model for application in GRACE

Lewis et al. [68]

Construction of a strategic the environment and oil spill response (EOS) tool. Design, input flow and potential value calculations. Evaluation using a fuzzy logic model. Interactions with stakeholders in workshop

EOS tool based on matrices, explanatory boxes and decision trees

Compiling of data from Grace. The fuzzy logic model allows merging experts’ opinion per compartment into one single score

Bock et al. [72]

Laanemets et al. [73]

Wenning et al. [74]

Development of an e-learning course for EOS

Framework for an E-based distance learning, video lectures, exercises and a final report on the EOS tool

Jensen and Fritt-Rasmussen [75]