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Table 1 Regulatory issues for which different NTS approaches, including suspect screening, can be supportive

From: High resolution mass spectrometry-based non-target screening can support regulatory environmental monitoring and chemicals management


Regulatory context

NTS approaches (several for each context)

Environmental legislation

 Water Framework Directive (WFD)

 Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)

 Ambient Air Quality Directive

 Drinking Water Directive

 Industrial Emissions Directive

Environmental monitoring

Spatial/temporal trend analysis to identify relevant unknown pollutants

Implementation of field systems for real-time warning

Screening for large numbers of substances including suspected compounds

Food legislation

 Regulation on maximum levels for certain contaminants in food

 Regulation on food additives

 Regulation on residues of veterinary medicinal products

 Regulation on residues of plant protection products

 Regulation on Authenticity

Food monitoring including control of food authenticity, fraud and adulteration

Screening for substance classes through e.g. specific mass fragmentation or isotope pattern

Substance legislation

 REACH Regulation

 Plant Protection Products and Biocidal Products Regulation

 Human and veterinary medicinal products Directives

 Food contact materials Regulation

Chemicals management such as detection of leakages and unintentional discharges

Prioritization (e.g. PBT, PMT screening)

Before-after monitoring to determine effectiveness of mitigation measures (e.g. new technologies)

Retrospective exploitation of digital data

Worker protection legislation

 Carcinogens and mutagens Directive

 Chemical agents Directive

Human bio-monitoring

Effect-directed analysis

  1. PBT persistent, bioaccumulative, toxic; PMT persistent, mobile, toxic