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Fig. 1 | Environmental Sciences Europe

Fig. 1

From: Effects of a realistic pesticide spraying sequence for apple crop on stream communities in mesocosms: negligible or notable?

Fig. 1

Visualisation of results from generalized linear models for multivariate data (GLMmv) of the community of A ion composition [i.e. water concentration of measured ions]; B periphyton [i.e. biovolume of identified periphyton taxa]; C benthic invertebrates [i.e. density of identified invertebrate taxa], and D emerging insects [i.e. density of identified taxa of emerging insects]. Open circles indicate sampling dates with significant differences (α = 0.05) in the treatment mesocosms from the controls. Grey circles indicate a level for a tendency to α = 0.1. Day 0 represents the day of the first application of a pesticide. Vertical dashed lines indicate the start (left) and the end (right) of the PPP application period

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