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Table 3 Overview of processes included in each analysis group

From: Life cycle assessment of MycoWorks’ Reishi: the first low-carbon and biodegradable alternative leather

Analysis group

Processes included in analysis group

Raw materials for sheet production

Includes the production and pre-processing of all materials required for the sheet production process, including their transport to the production facility

Energy use for sheet production

Includes the energy required for the measurement and mixing, autoclaving, colonizing, and growth of the trays

Production facility energy use

Includes the energy required for HVAC and lighting of the production facility

Production facility waste treatment

Treatment of all waste from the production facility


Transport of the Reishi™ between the sheet production site and the tannery site (in pilot scale)

Post-processing chemicals

Ingredients and production of chemicals and other materials required for lubrication, dyeing, and finishing

Post-production operations

Energy and waste associated with the tannery facility


Materials for packaging the Reishi™ in between the sheet production and tannery facility, and for the final sale of the tanned and finished product