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Table 3 Key recommendations to improve the sustainability of polyester garments during the use phase of the value chain

From: Analysis of the polyester clothing value chain to identify key intervention points for sustainability






Phase out fossil fuels as source of energy

Incentivize use of renewable energy in the household

Reduce energy consumption

Improve machine efficiency

Wash at lower temperatures

Avoid tumble drying when possible

Reduce freshwater consumption

Switch to horizontal-axis washing machines

Improve and encourage greywater recycling systems within households or laundry stores


Produce more sustainable detergents

Determine which type of detergent is more sustainable considering:



  Effects on the environment upon release

  Effects on microfiber release


Prevention of microfiber release from clothing

Wash at full load to avoid high water volume to garment ratios

Standardization of quantifying methods to facilitate more informative research

Retroactive solutions for microfiber release from clothing

Use filters to capture microfibers in washing machines

Develop air filtration systems to remove airborne microfibers indoors

Bioremediation: can enzymes or whole microorganisms be added to agricultural soils to degrade PET without disturbing soil properties or causing other side effects?

  1. Legislation Economic incentive or funding Education or communication