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Table 7 Examples of application of supervised classification techniques towards SDGs using EO data

From: Monitoring sustainable development by means of earth observation data and machine learning: a review



Main finding


SGD 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities)

Land use

Tested Sub-PB and Super-PB methodologies to map green spaces. The results showed that Super-PB approach was better for dense urban, sub-urban and rural subsets. However, for lower-resolution images, the Sub-PB approach performed better for dense urban and sub-urban subsets


Land change

Developed two CNN approaches: Early Fusion and Siamese Network to detect changes in pairs of images. Overall, the results proved that Siamese Network approach was the most accurate


SGD 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production)


Proved that CNNs combined with high-resolution images represent a precise and cost-effective methodology to calculate consumption expenditure and wealth in developing countries


SDG 15 (Life on Land)

Land cover

Analysed 15 years of research on supervised classification methods and found that SVM was the most accurate among NN, RF and Decision Tree
