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Table 9 Effects of glyphosate, co-formulants, and/or its formulated herbicide products on amphibians reported in the scientific literature since 2010

From: Aquatic ecotoxicity of glyphosate, its formulations, and co-formulants: evidence from 2010 to 2023

Test organism

Type of tested compound

Tested concentrations


Tested endpoints

Observed effects


L. sylvaticus


0.021–2.9 mg AIa l−1

48 db

Survival, development, growth, sex ratio, gonadal morhology

Decreased survival, delayed metamorphic development (2.9 mg AI l−1), affected weight and, tail length of tadpoles (≥ 0.021 mg AI l−1), altered expression of thyroid- and stress-related genes, no effects on sex ratios or gonadal morphology


L. latrans

GLYc, roundup ultramax

GLY: 3–300 mg l−1, GBHd: 0.37–5.25 mg a.e.e GLY l−1

96 hf

Growth, development, histopathological endpoints

No effects on growth and development, liver damage (GBH: ≥ 0.37 mg a.e. GLY l−1, GLY: ≥ 15 mg l−1), increased levels of melanomacrophagic cells and melanomacrophagic centers (GBH: ≥ 0.37 mg a.e. GLY l−1, GLY: ≥ 3 mg l−1), histopathological lesions


E. johnstonei

Roundup SL, surfactant Cosmoflux 411F

GBH mixture (55:44:1 – water:GBH:surfactant): in vivo toxicity: 7.6–112.3 µg a.e. GLY cm−2 (spraying), in vivo cito-and genotoxicity: 0.5–15 µg a.e. GLY cm−2, in vitro cito-and genotoxicity: 4.6–37.0 mg a.e. GLY ml−1

24–96 h

Mortality, cytotoxicity, genotoxicity

LC50gmales = 49 µg a.e. GLY cm−2 LC50females = 54 µg a.e. GLY cm−2

LC50neonates = 12 µg a.e. GLY cm−2

in vitro (≥ 95 µg a.e. GLY ml−1) and in vivo (≥ 5.4 µg a.e. GLY cm−2) cytotoxicity, dose-dependent effects on DNA damage


L. catesbeianus

GLY, GBHs (Roundup Original and Roundup Transorb)

1 mg a.e. GLY l−1

96 h

Oxygen uptake, morphometric analysis

GLY and GBHs affected the oxygen uptake, caused changes in skin morphology, altered thickness of epidermis (GLY, Roundup Original)


X. laevis

GLY, GLY-IPAh, isopropylamine, Roundup

0.002–1.69 g l−1- (GLY equivalent)

24 h

Morphological analysis, melanosome aggregation, effects on microtubules, actin filaments and localization of melanosomes

Severe adverse effects on melanosome aggregation (116.4 mg l−1 GLY-IPA), pH-dependent effects of GLY, affected morphology, cytoskeletal integrity, and intracellular transport of melanosomes (0.085–0.845 g l−1)


B. bufo

Roundup LB Plus,

0.5, 1.0, or 1.5 mg a.e. GLY l−1

21–42 d

Egg and tadpole development

Temperature-dependent toxicity, exposure of eggs: increased tail, body, and total length; exposure of tadpoles: no effect on mortality, development, and morphology


B. bufo

Roundup PowerFlex

0–4 mg a.e. GLY l−1

21–42 d

Egg and tadpole development

Temperature-dependent toxicity, exposure of eggs: increased tail and body length (15 °C); exposure of tadpoles: no effects on the tested parameters


B. spinosus


0.4 μg l−1

3 months

Hatching success, developmental abnormalities and morphology

No effects on hatching success, significant effects on fitness parameters (e.g., body and tail length)


B. spinosus


0.07–3.57 μg l−1

16 d

Hatching success, mortality and deformation rates

Higher embryonic mortality (0.07–0.39 μg l−1), increased development duration, altered hatchlings morphology


L. pipiens, L. sylvaticus, B. americanus

Roundup Original MAX

1, 2, and 3 mg l−1 a.e. GLY

21 d

Survival and average individual mass, morphological analyses

LC50 = 2.44–3.26 mg l−1, reduced mortality in presence of predators due to the induced antipredator morphology, interaction of GBH and predators on average mass


L. latinasus


170–17000 mg l−1

48 h

Histological analysis, micronuclei and other erythrocytes nuclear abnormalities

Increased area of melanin, reduction in the area of hemosiderin, altered hepatic catabolism pigments, increased frequency of micronuclei (≥ 17,000 mg l−1) and abnormalities in blood erythrocytes (17,000 mg l−1)


P. cuvieri, P. gracilis

Roundup Original DI

Acute test:100–4500 μg a.e. GLY l−1, chronic test: 65–1000 μg a.e. GLY l−1

Acute test: 96 h, chronic test: 14 d

Mortality, length and mass, malformations

LC50 P. cuvieri = 1006 μg a.e. GLY l−1, LC50P. gracilis = 1131 μg a.e. GLY l−1, shorter body length and lower body weight (≥ 500 μg a.e. GLY l−1), morphological alterations


L. latrans

GLY, Roundup Ultra Max

GLY: 3–300 mg l−1, GBH: 0.0007–9.62 mg a.e. GLY l−1

24–96 h

Mortality, swimming activity, growth, development, morphological abnormalities

GLY: no effects on mortality, LC50 GBH = 3.26–9.61 mg a.e. GLY l−1, affected growth and development, oral abnormalities and edema, altered swimming activity (GBH at the earlier developmental stage)


X. laevis

GBHs (Roundup, Kilo Max, and Environ Glyphosate)


96 h


Earlier life stages of tadpole development showed higher sensitivity


X. laevis

GLY, Roundup Star

GLY: 282–500 mg l−1, GBH: 31–50 mg AI l−1

96 h

Mortality, development, enzyme activities

GLY has no effects on mortality, development, and enzyme activities, LC50 GBH = 32.1–35.1 mg AI l−1, altered development (≥ 31 mg AI l−1), reduced carboxylesterase (17.6 mg AI l−1)


X. laevis

Roundup LB Plus

Developmental assay (10–243 mg l−1), neurological analysis and cardiotoxicity (121.5 and 243 mg l−1)

96 h

Mortality, mobility, development (cardiac, eye and brain)

No effects on mortality, developmental effects, altered mobility (≥ 97 mg l−1), impaired cardiac (≥ 97 mg l−1), eye and brain development (≥ 121.5 mg l−1)


X. laevis

GBHs (Roundup. Enviro Glyphosate, Kilo Max)

Roundup: 0.2–0.6 mg l−1, Enviro Glyphosate: 0.9–28 mg l−1, Kilo Max: 90–280 mg l−1

96 h

Survival, development, sex ratio, reproductive malformation

No effects on mortality (GBHs), reduced body mass of the metamorphs (Kilo Max and Glyphosate Enviro), altered sex ratio (Kilo Max 280 mg l−1), induced reproductive malformations


E. cyanophlyctis


Testing of survival: 1–8 mg a.e. GLY l−1, genotoxicity study: 1–3 mg a.e. GLY l−1

Testing of survival: 15 d, genotoxicity study: 24–96 h

Survival, genotoxicity

96-h LC50GBH = 3.76 mg a.e. GLY l−1 and 3.39 mg a.e. GLY l−1 (in the absence and presence of predator), 10-d LC50GBH = 2.12 mg a.e. GLY l−1 and 1.91 mg a.e. GLY l−1, increased frequency of micronuclei (≥ 2.0 mg a.e. GLY l−1)


X. laevis

GLY, Roundup Power 2.0

GLY: 7.5–50 mg l−1

GBH: 1–25 mg a.e. GLY l−1

96 h

Survival, LC50, embryotoxicity, morphological analysis

Embryolethal effects of GLY (50 mg l−1), 96-h EC50iGBH = 7.8 mg a.e. GLY l−1, high teratogenic potential of GBH, with concentration-dependent abnormal phenotypes, cardiac malformations (≥ 30 mg l−1 GLY)


H. pardalis, P. cuvieri


84–150 mg l−1

96 h


LC50 = 106 and 115 mg l−1 for P. cuvieri and H. pardalis


D. minutus

Roundup Original

0.28–4 mg AI l−1

96 h

Acute toxicity, DNA damage, micronucleus test

No mortality, no effects on body mass and length, increase in DNA damage, (≥ 0.28 mg AI l−1), no significant effects on micronuclei in erythrocytes


R. dalmatina

Glyphogan Classic

2 and 6.5 mg a.e. GLY l−1

21 d

Number of tadpoles, behavior

Reduced tadpole activity and increased hiding (6.5 mg a.e. GLY l−1), altered vertical position (2 mg a.e. GLY l−1)


R. arenarum

GBHs (Roundup Ultra-Max, Infosato, and Glifoglex, C-K Yuyos)

1.85–240 mg a.e. GLY l−1

48 h

Acute toxicity, enzyme activities

Differences in the acute toxicity of GBHs (similar effects of Glifoglex, C-K Yuyos), reduced activity of AChEj, carboxylesterase, GSTk, and butyrylcholinesterase


B. bufo

Glyphogan Classic

2 and 4 mg a.e. GLY l−1

Laboratory test: 9 d, outdoor mesocosm: 21 d

Bufadienolide content

Higher level of bufadienolides (4 mg a.e. GLY l−1) during metamorphosis, increased bufadienolide content after three-weeks exposure in mesocosm (2–4 mg a.e. GLY l−1)


L. sylvaticus

Roundup WeatherMax

(0.21 and 2.8 mg a.e. GLY l−1)

28–53 d

Survival, growth and development

GLY (2.8 mg a.e. GLY l−1) and nutrient enrichment caused lower survival in situ, larger larvae, no significant effects on larval development


R. arenarum

Roundup Ultra-Max

20 mg l−1

48 h

Enzyme activities, lipid peroxidation in erythrocytes,

No effects on butyrylcholinesteras, GST, and carboxylesterase activities or DNA damage, increased heterophil l-1ymphocyte (H l−1) ratio in peripheral blood


A. maculatum

GLY-4 Plus

3 mg a.e. GLY l−1

Toxicity test: 34 d, cellular immune response: 48 h

Survival, body size, percentage of metamorphs, and cellular immune response

Increased number of metamorphs (3 mg a.e. GLY l−1) effects on survival, body size, and cellular immune response were strongly influenced by moderate or low UV-B light regimes


E. wilderae


0.73–2.92 µg a.e. GLY l−1

4–5 h

Behavioral parameters (e.g., exploratory movement frequency, distance, and refuge use)

Reduced burst distance, shorter and more frequent movements (2.92 µg a.e. GLY l−1), effects were inconsistently affected by water temperature


D. minutus


GLY: 65–520 μg l−1, POEA: 1.25–10 μg l−1

96 h

Genotoxicity, mutagenicity, hepatic histopathology

More genomic damage (1.25–10 μg l−1 POEA, ≥ 260 μg l−1 GLY), increased level of micronuclei (5 μg l−1 POEA, 520 μg l−1 GLY), increased DNA damage (5 μg l−1 POEA, ≥ 260 μg l−1), histopathological effects


R. humboldti, E. pustulosus, H. crepitans, R. marina

Roundup Active, adjuvant Cosmo-Flux 411F

Laboratory test: 325–6000 μg a.e. GLY l−1, microcosms: 3.69–29.52 kg a.e. GLY ha−1

96 h

LC50, body size parameters, swimming performance

Embryos were more tolerant, concentration-dependent effects on morphological parameters (e.g., total length, head width, corporal length), effects on embryonic development for R. humboldti, no effects on swimming performance


B. fowleri, R. catesbeiana, H. chrysoscelis, R. clamitans, R. pipiens

GLY-IPA, Roundup, MON 0818

GLY-IPA: 0.42–41.48 mg a.e. GLY l−1, GBH: 0.3–7.0 mg a.e. GLY l−1, MON0818: 0.06–2.00 mg l−1

96 h


No significant mortality of GLY, LC50GBH = 1.80–4.22 mg a.e. GLY l−1, LC50POEA = 0.68–1.32 mg l−1


R. dalmatina, B. bufo


GLY: 1, 2 or 4 mg a.e. GLY l−1, POEA: 0.44, 0.88 or 1.74 ml l−1

96 h

Survival, body mass

Reduced survival and affected bod mass (≥ 0.88 ml l−1 POEA), mortality and body mass were not affected by GLY alone, in the presence of the POEA, higher mortality


  1. aActive ingredient, bday, cglyphosate, dGLY-based herbicides, eacid equivalent, fhour, g50% lethal concentration, hGLY-isopropylammonium salt, i50% effective concentration, jacetylcholinesterase, kglutathione-S-transferase, la mixture of polyethoxylated tallow amines