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Table 11 Combined effects of glyphosate and/or its formulated herbicide products with pathogens or parasites reported in the scientific literature since 2010

From: Aquatic ecotoxicity of glyphosate, its formulations, and co-formulants: evidence from 2010 to 2023

Test organism

Type of tested compound

Tested concentrations


Tested endpoints

Observed effects


O. mykiss

GLYa, GBHsb (Roundup Innovert, Viaglif Jardin) in combination of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus

1 µg l−1 AIc equivalent

8 months

Behavior, clinical signs of rhabdoviruses infection, and mortality, oxidative stress parameters, energy metabolism markers and immune markers

GLY and GBHs affected the susceptibility of fish to viral infection, substance-specific effect on cumulative mortality, no significant effects on most of the tested endpoints


O. mykiss

GLY, GBHs (Roundup Innovert, Viaglif Jardin) in combination of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus

500 μg l−1 AI equivalent

96 hd

Mortality, metabolic and hemato-immunologic parameters, ability to survive a viral challenge

Significant differences in red and white blood cell counts, altered enzymatic activities in the infected fish, multistress conditions


G. anomalus

Glyphosate 360 formulation combined with Telogaster opisthorchis infection

0.36, 3.6, 36 mg AI l−1

26 d

Survival, development, spinal malformations

Simultaneous exposure to GLY and parasitic infection significantly decreased fish survival (0.36 mg AI l−1), spinal malformations


L. rohita

Roundup combined with Aeromonas hydrophila infection

0.63, 1.03, and 2.06, 13.6 mg AI l−1

96 h

Susceptibility test

Reduced survival, increased vulnerability to infections


  1. aGlyphosate, bGLY-based herbicides, cactive ingredient, dhour