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Table 1 General characteristics of the respondents1

From: Public perception of the performance of Czech forest ecosystem services


Bohemia (n = 1006)

Moravia (n = 503)

Total (N = 1509)


Gender (female)

50.0 (503)

49.9 (251)

50.0 (754)


Age (years)

42.5 ± 13.3

41.4 ± 13.6

42.2 ± 13.4


Age group

- 18–24 years

10.1 (102)

14.5 (73)

11.6 (175)


- 25–54 years

66.1 (665)

63.2 (318)

65.1 (983)


- 55–65 years

23.8 (239)

22.3 (112)

23.3 (351)


Education level

- High school (no maturita)

41.0 (412)

40.4 (203)

40.8 (615)


- High school (maturita)

37.1 (373)

38.2 (192)

37.4 (565)


- Higher education

22.0 (221)

21.5 (108)

21.8 (329)


Size of the town

- < 5000 inhabitants

37.7 (379)

40.2 (202)

38.5 (581)


- 5000– < 20,000 inhabitants

20.5 (206)

14.5 (73)

18.5 (279)


- 20,000– < 100,000 inhabitants

18.3 (184)

24.5 (123)

20.3 (307)


- ≥ 100,000 inhabitants

23.6 (237)

20.9 (105)

22.7 (34.2)


Frequency of forest visits

- Several times a week

15.7 (158)

10.1 (51)

13.9 (209)

 < 0.001

- Once a week

27.7 (279)

24.9 (125)

26.8 (404)


- Once a month

36.1 (363)

35.8 (180)

36.0 (543)


- One or two times a year

16.1 (162)

22.1 (111)

18.1 (273)


- Less than once a year or never

4.4 (44)

7.2 (36)

5.3 (80)

  1. 1 Data are presented as % (n) or mean ± sd; all group comparisons were analyzed using Chi-square test, while ANOVA test was used for age of respondents (in years), p < 0.05: significant level