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Table 2 Key search terms and search string used to identify articles in the respective databases

From: “The toxic substance has killed all ducks”: framing of chemical risks related to the 2021 summer flood in German news media

Key search terms

flood; heavy rain; catastrophe; Eifel; Ahr*; load; pollution, polluted; contamination, contaminated; sewage sludge, wastewater treatment plant; wastewater; pollutant(s); epidemic, epidemic danger; poison; tox, toxic, toxicological; fecal, fecal matter; chemical; oil; fuel(s); harmful; (un)healthy; hygiene, (un)hygienic; dirt, dirty

Search string for the Boolean Search, where applicable

((flood*) AND (load*) OR (poll*) OR (polluted*) OR (contaminated*) OR (wastewater*) OR (pollutant*) OR (epidemic*) OR (poison*) OR (fecal*) OR (chemi*) AND (tox*) OR (oil*) OR (fuel*) OR (harmful*) OR (healthy*) OR (hygien*) OR (dirt*))

  1. Note that the search was performed in German. Thus, terms represent only a translation and do not reflect the exact search. We define pollutants/contaminants as chemical substances of anthropogenic origin, i.e., caused or released by humans. By pollution/contamination we mean exposure of the environment to anthropogenic substances